

Orthotics services offered in The Loop, Chicago, IL

If you suffer from foot, heel, or ankle pain, orthotics may be able to provide lasting relief. At Chicago Foot Specialists, in the Chicago Loop neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, experienced podiatrists Nehal Sheth, DPM, Mark Pinkowski, DPM, and Christine Heck, DPM, and the team offer both over-the-counter orthotics and 3D scanned custom orthotics to people of all ages. Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to request an orthotic consultation or make your appointment online.

Orthotics Q&A

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are heel pads or shoe inserts specifically designed for your feet. They look similar to the products you’d find at an athletic store or grocery but support your feet and your feet alone. 

The Chicago Foot Specialists team has a 3D scanner onsite, allowing for precise foot and ankle measurements. If you regularly experience foot or ankle pain, orthotics may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

What types of problems can benefit from orthotics?

The Chicago Foot Specialists team uses orthotics to treat various foot and ankle problems, including:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spurs
  • Heel pain
  • High arches
  • Hammertoes
  • Flat feet
  • Diabetes
  • Bursitis
  • Arthritis

You might benefit from orthotics if you’re recovering from a sports or work-related injury. Orthotics can provide extra support during your healing process.

Are there different types of orthotics?

The Chicago Foot Specialists team offers several types of orthotics, including:

Accommodative orthotics

Your podiatrist might recommend accommodative orthotics if you have plantar fasciitis, diabetic ulcers, or plantar warts. These orthotics are made from soft, padded materials. They take pressure off sensitive areas and are worn with prescription shoes.

Rigid orthotics

Rigid orthotics are made from materials like plastic or carbon fiber. They’re rigid and slip inside closed-toed shoes. These orthotics support the arch of your foot and can address structural abnormalities like flat feet or high arches. 

Over-the-counter orthotics

If you only experience foot or ankle pain occasionally, your podiatrist may recommend over-the-counter orthotics. These orthotics aren’t specifically designed to accommodate your feet but can provide extra support and improve your mobility.

What does getting orthotics involve?

At Chicago Foot Specialists, getting orthotics takes two visits about a week apart.

If the team determines you can benefit from orthotics, they take 3D scans of your feet and ankles with the in-office scanner. Afterward, they send your scans to an orthotics lab that creates a custom pair of heel pads or inserts. 

When the lab finishes your orthotics, you return to Chicago Foot Specialists to try them on. The team makes adjustments as necessary, ensuring a perfect fit, and provides care instructions.

How long do orthotics last?

Orthotics last 5-7 years on average*, but you can extend their use by taking good care of them. The Chicago Foot Specialists team recommends cleaning your orthotics regularly, air drying them after each use, and inspecting them for wear-and-tear.

Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to request an orthotics consultation, or make your appointment online.

*Individual results may vary.