

Bunions services offered in The Loop, Chicago, IL

Bunions are one of the most common foot problems, affecting up to one-third of adults. At Chicago Foot Specialists, in the Chicago Loop neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, experienced podiatrists Nehal Sheth, DPM, Mark Pinkowski, DPM, and Christine Heck, DPM, and the team specialize in diagnosing and treating bunions both conservatively and with surgery. Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to request a bunion consultation, or make your appointment online.

Bunions Q&A

What causes bunions?

Bunions form when the bones at the front of your foot change position because of trauma or your gait (how you walk). These changes cause your big toe (metatarsophalangeal) joint to bulge outward, resulting in pain and swelling.

Small bunions don’t always need treatment. But if your bunion affects your mobility or quality of life, seeking treatment is vital.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

Bunion symptoms include the following:

  • Numbness in your big toe
  • A permanent bend in your big toe joint (hammertoe)
  • Corns, calluses, or blisters on top of your big toe
  • Difficulty wearing shoes

As the bunion grows, you may experience stiffness or be unable to bend your toe. 

Who is at risk of bunions?

Anyone can develop a bunion, but several factors can increase your risk, including a family history of bunions and previous foot injuries. You’re also more likely to experience bunions if you have an underlying inflammatory disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

How are bunions diagnosed?

The Chicago Foot Specialists team reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your foot and big toe.

Bunions are visible to the eye, but your provider may order X-rays or other diagnostic imaging to look at the alignment of the bones at the front of your foot and check for joint damage.

How are bunions diagnosed?

Chicago Foot Specialists takes a conservative approach to bunion treatment when possible. The team may recommend:

  • Corticosteroid injections to reduce pain and swelling
  • Physical therapy to improve muscle strength and joint alignment
  • Custom orthotics
  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication
  • Custom orthotics
  • Bunion pads or taping
  • Wearing shoes that take pressure off your toes

If your bunion continues affecting your mobility, even after conservative treatment, the team may recommend surgery. Chicago Foot Specialists offers minimally invasive bunion surgery with Lapiplasty® 3D bunion correction. Lapiplasty uses patented technology to correct bunions at their source, providing lasting results.


How can I prevent a bunion?


If you want to keep a bunion from getting worse, it’s crucial to wear comfortable shoes that fit properly. The Chicago Foot Specialists team can provide tips on selecting shoes that meet your needs. Generally speaking, buying shoes with soft soles and plenty of room for your toes is important.

Call Chicago Foot Specialists today to explore the treatments for bunions, or book your appointment online.